Your Most Important Creativity Hack? Boredom

ML Sadler
5 min readOct 20, 2020
Photo by Jeswin Thomas via Pexels

Boredom as a creative tool

Boredom is undervalued. Boredom is vital to creativity and invention. Boredom is a powerful tool to unlock your potential. This is the case for strategic boredom.

Boredom is not a condition to solve, but an asset to manage. It may be the second most important driving force behind human development, right behind need. Don’t get me wrong, attributes like intelligence and grit and creativity are all important in taking an idea and turning it into something real. But before the idea exists there is a creative stage that leads to the development of the idea, and this is where boredom lives.

“Creativity is the residue of time wasted.” — Albert Einstein

In a set of studies published last year in the journal Academy of Management Discoveries, the researchers conclude in part that “boredom enhances one’s creativity.” The people in the study who were doing boring tasks were then able to come up with the most creative ideas. Boredom was the critical difference that led to creative solutions.

Children easily find creativity in boredom

Children naturally understand the benefits of boredom when they don’t have access to a television, iPad or…



ML Sadler

New York City-based Writer, Novelist, Builder and Business Leader