The Long Goodbye Is Never Long Enough

A tribute to my favorite dog

ML Sadler
2 min readDec 5, 2020
The best dog ever.
Photo by author

Sam is 13. When we walk him without a leash, he never gets more than a little ahead or a little behind us. He hasn’t had an accident inside since he was a new puppy. He rides in cars like a champ. He doesn’t shed. He is barely interested in other dogs, just a quick sniff and swipe left.

Sam is 13. In the last year, we have seen him begin to struggle. His eyes have become cloudy and his vision is limited. We still toss him a treat after a walk, but he can no longer catch what he can’t see. He has always slept on our bed, but many nights he needs help getting up. On our regular walk before bedtime, he walks slowly. He stops and just stands for several minutes. It’s like he is soaking it in.

Sam is 13. On Sunday afternoons when I am lying on my side napping on the couch, he will quietly come up and tuck himself behind my legs. But at night, he will sleep squarely in the middle of my half of the bed, forcing me to contort myself around him. These facts have been true his entire life.

Sam is 13. We took him along on our vacation in September. He barely ate the entire time. He’s always been a dog who just ate when he wanted to, leaving his bowl full of food until he was ready to eat. When we returned, we had him groomed and were stunned at how this he was. He…



ML Sadler

New York City-based Writer, Novelist, Builder and Business Leader