The Ancient Antidote to Burnout

ML Sadler
3 min readOct 28, 2020
Photo by Andre Piacquadio via Pexels

We live in a time of the hustle and the side-hustle. Many people of all ages and most people between college and mid-30’s, have a side-hustle. The job you want to do after the job you have to do. For every writer, writing is a side-hustle. For every entrepreneur, it starts — and often stays — as a side-hustle. I am a fan of the side-hustle. Side-hustles keep you thinking, ideating, and dreaming.

Maybe you don’t have time for a side-hustle. Your job is all consuming, and add to that whatever family obligations you have plus the ongoing and never-ending errands that are just part of life. You wish you had a side-hustle but in the meantime you are going full tilt 24/7.

The side-hustle life and the all-consuming job life have one thing in common: Burnout.

The side-hustle life and the all-consuming job life have one thing in common: Burnout. Every person reaches a point where exhaustion kicks in, and exhaustion leads to questionable decisions: spending time, money and energy in the wrong ways. And bad decisions bring troubles with your job, with your relationships and with your bank statement.

A tried-and-true method of avoiding burnout has been around for thousands of years: the Sabbath. Even if you are not religious, the concept of taking one day a week off is…



ML Sadler

New York City-based Writer, Novelist, Builder and Business Leader