An Unexpected Reason to Love NYC

ML Sadler
4 min readNov 6, 2020

The Finds and Freedom of an NYC Trash Room

Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas via Pexels

When we moved to New York City eight years ago, I was not expecting one of my favorite secret benefits of urban living here. Since we’ve been here, we’ve lived in three high-rise apartment buildings, and each one had a trash room on every floor. Trash rooms have been surprisingly satisfying. Before we get into this, I understand that not everyone who lives in NYC has a trash room available to them. I am privileged to have had this luxury. But if you are moving to NYC, trash room access should be one of the items on your pro-con list as you consider apartments.

Here are five reasons to love an NYC trash room:

You can never have too much trash. In our past life, we paid the refuse company to pick up one large bin each week. If we had more trash than could fit in the one bin we would need to hang onto it and hope it could fit with next week’s trash. Eventually, you catch up, but sometimes it takes several weeks to get all the trash out on trash day.

With a trash room, there is no limit. Bag after bag will fit in the trash chute and down it goes. Did you have a big week of online shopping? Cleaned out the fridge? Holiday wrapping overflowing your trash can? No worries, just put the bag down the chute in the trash room and it’s gone. Look, we…



ML Sadler

New York City-based Writer, Novelist, Builder and Business Leader